Monday, July 5, 2010

Seriously Stressful Habits

Stress is a peculiar thing, and I see it everywhere. I see it everywhere because I have been studying it for years. Sometimes I wish I could just say to people, "don't you know that what you are doing is causing you stress?" But I don't say that because it is not that easy. Stress is very complex. Astonishingly complex.

I have taught stress management to thousands of people, and in the formal teaching environment, I always issue a survey at the end of the class. The information in this survey has provided me with about a dozen different stressful habits that people have. I would even venture to say that these stressful habits could be classified as some of the uppermost stressful habits that people experience.

I bet you would like to know what these habits are. Well, I will tell you what they are. But, be advised that these habits are in no specific order of importance because I have not determined that just yet. 

Here are some seriously stressful habits

Living life without specific goals

Having an apathetic attitude

Being stubborn and unteachable

Having a racing mind



Focusing on faults, yours as well as others

Low self-esteem, lack of faith in self and others

Getting offended frequently and easily

Lack of focus on goals- lack of focus

Believing in lousy luck and thinking life is against you.

Being too serious about life

There you have it, Elizabeth's list of stressful habits.

Look at it and just notice if you have any of these habits. Yes, they are habits.

Until the next post, don't forget to have fun and be playful!

Elizabeth Stanfill 

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